It's been awhile

It's been awhile

“It has been a mistake living my life in the past. One cannot ride a horse backwards and still hold its reins.” Richard Paul Evans

When I started consulting I figured that my progress would be linear. Establish my practice, find some clients, make the world a better place then play really bad golf. That overly simplistic view of the world is articulated to point out that quite often, our plans and our realities are very different. While I anticipated having a mid to large quantity of clients, I ended up with a few very close clients and have learned a great deal. That said, I still feel compelled to share content and make new connections and this platform is really the best place to do that. I think part of the reason I took so long to write this new post was guilt. When I set out to produce content and try to help people by sharing my experiences, I never fathomed becoming an absentee blog land owner. It isn’t a shortage of content as my wife can attest (as I rarely shut up with regards to my opinion on everything from the Blue Cheese dressing to Brexit) but more about crafting something polished enough to publish. What I should have learned from my hobby projects is that what you really want and what we all really need is honesty. Well, honestly, I fell behind, got busy, got guilty and stopped writing. Have you ever done that? Known there was something you should do and maybe even started out doing it regularly. But, after a few days, weeks or even months, found that you had fallen out of your rhythm. Maybe it is staying on top of your content like me or maybe staying in touch with a work associate or family member. While I am sure there are nuances to each that make them spectacularly different to some professional, in a basic review they are very similar. Anything worth doing is worth continuing. Anything you exchange your precious time for should be treated as important. And, if you do what I did and neglect something like that, the right response is to realize it, address it and move forward. So to that end, I am back and will be endeavoring to produce useful content for you once again. I will assure you that my schedule will not be regular as I have yet to find the equivalent of my morning Starbucks for writing. My hope today is that I reach some people warped enough (or bright enough) to get my previous statement.