Upcoming Talk: Less is More

Upcoming Talk: Less is More

I am fortunate to have been asked by the South Eastern Fabric Care Association to speak at their next Seminar at the beautiful Championsgate Resort just outside of Orlando. The topic is a fun one because it is something I think will resonate with people regardless of their industry or role.

Today, there is so much that we can occupy ourselves with. From a seemingly endless stream of news to the constant and tethered nature of social media, it seems there is not time anymore for ‘white space.’ The reality of the situation is most of us try to do too much. Beyond that, we insist that we can do that ‘too much’ concurrently. (I will write another article about multitasking later).

To that end, the presentation will focus on the core concepts I feel are critical to success in this interrupt driven world.

  • Be Smart (Not IQ though IQ doesn’t hurt)
  • Be Selective
  • Be Focused

As the presentation takes shape, I will load it up here, but for now, look at the literal pile of things you *could* spend your day on. Which ones will cut your costs? Which ones will actually drive revenue (more important in MANY ways)? Which ones are you bleeding over because you have no clue how to do them but rather than use an expert you devalue your time and take twice as long to get a result that is not half as good as what an expert could derive?

We all make these mistakes. “Penny wise and pound foolish,” like may adages exists because it is timeless. Evaluate your day. Check and see if the things you are spending time on are truly worth that investment and never loose sight of the fact that time is a very expensive currency to invest.

Unlike capital and resources, you cannot acquire more time.

Yes, I know that through resources you can increase total time for work available but that is not the pint now, is it? Always one in the bunch ;-)