How do you AMAZE your customers/clients?

How do you AMAZE your customers/clients?

Sometimes life surprises you. Yesterday, Costco surprised me. It was not the $30.00 gift card that they delivered but rather that they have a system that discovered the purchase I made recently and offered me a gift card to offset a reduction in cost that I was blissfully unaware of! Now this does not cost them much (beyond the implementation of the system to execute the process) but the impact is amazing. Now I already love Costco but talk about more committed!

Are you doing anything to make sure your customers/clients are amazed with your attention to detail and concern about their purchase/investment decisions? If not, this is an outstanding way to differentiate yourself in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Kudos to Best Buy as well as my conveyance of this story to a colleague triggered the second story in the video Blog. (Anyone out there leaving money on the table after their holiday purchases?)